Sunday, January 25, 2009

Primarily the First

This is primarily the first post, obviously.

I picked up a 3 by 5 inch glossy card at a coffee shop the other night while out with a friend, and the card stated,
"I love my church because it's sort of like the Wizard of OZ -- it's about having a heart and a brain. And courage!"
On the back it stated,
God is still speaking... and then some service times, and it had a First United Church of Christ Phoenix Logo as well. I then saw the website and randomly typed it in and surfed on over to it.

As I pulled it up, I was amazed to find that it had endorsements and specific hyperlinked bullets for Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Transgendered folk. I clicked on a couple and was absolutely befuddled about the statements that were being made. The whole premise here was "LOVE" and "ACCEPTANCE", because Jesus did, you know?...

Well, myself, being a born-again Christian, with a firm foundation of my Lord God, my faith and the Bible (or the scriptures), was totally taken aback by the claims that they lay on the website. So, I e-mailed them and left them my phone number and a question asking if it was there intent to say that, although you are to love the sinner, or the homosexual in this case, are you to accept the sin or behavior that they are in?!! I asked if this is an accepted lifestyle and if they thought Jesus would lovingly approve homosexuality?!!!

Well, I will be awaiting a response, but I cannot and will not stand for people proclaiming and professing to be Christians, while drudging the the very Word of God in the mud by citing "Love and Acceptance." We, as Christians, have lost so much ground thus far because we have not stood up for what was right and being politically correct when we should have been bold and proclaimed the laws and Word of God. There is no middle ground when it comes to sin, and in my life, I have had a plank in my eye so many times, that hypocrite should have been my middle name.

To tell the truth, at this exact moment in my life, since the day I have rededicated my life back to God, I am at spiritual bottom out, but I know whom I serve, I know who my God is, and I know what He has done for me and the rest of the beings in this world whether they recognize it or not. Having said that, regardless of where we are spiritually, WITH THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE AND URGENCY, let us stand up for the Word of God and its laws, testimonies, ways, ordinances, truths and judgments.

When you see something that you know is in direct opposition or rebellion to the Word of God, let your voice be heard. E-mail those websites that condone homosexuality as an accepted lifestyle for God, have conversation with the ones who seem not to understand the severity of this calamity. Do not take "no" for an answer, research and make yourself sure beyond a shadow of a doubt so you will be ready in season and out of season.

I am just one, but we all are called the "Church", the "Bride", the "ekklesia", so let us act and speak like it.

I will ask for your support, will you make some time for the Creator of all, and be an activist for Christ???

Let's begin.....

Here is the website that I spoke of in the aforementioned paragraphs.

E-mail them, ask them what exactly is their mission. "If you love me, OBEY my commands." -Jesus


  1. i agree babe. good thoughts. it's scary to think what our world may become. we have to stand apart and not waiver in what we believe. love you!

  2. Hey Willy.

    You go get them, don't not shrink back from teh faith that was once and for ALL given to the saints. It is good to see you so active. I miss you and remember you in my prayer.

    Quick trivia question. On this day 01/27 in the year 417 Pope Inccoent 1 condemned who for heresey?

    I just love church history. You get out of your little view of time. You need to always be reading books that were written in a different centruy.

    Kyle Christner
    Eau Claire, WI


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